Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Chinese New Year 2012

The Chinese calendar is symbolized with an animal which has an important part to play. Similarly, the Chinese zodiac sign is represented by twelve animals. These twelve animals represents each year in the Chinese calendar. The twelve animals which represent the zodiac and the years are: 
  1. Dragon
  2. Snake
  3. Horse
  4. Ram
  5. Monkey
  6. Rooster
  7. Dog
  8. Pig
  9. Rat
  10. Ox
  11. Tiger
  12. Rabbit
The name of the Chinese calendar gets repeated in every 60 years. 

2012, the year of Dragon

The Chinese believe that the coming year will be the ren-chen year, that is a year represented by the water dragon. The word Ren means water which stands at the ninth number among the ten celestial stems. On the other hand, Chen means Dragon, which stands at number five among the twelve terrestrial branches. Hence the year 2012 has been marked as the year of the Dragon. 

Significance of the Dragon

The Chinese mythology believes that the Chinese Dragon is a legendary creature. The Dragon has mythic counterparts in the Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Bhutanese, Western and Turkic dragons. The dragons in the Chinese art are presented as long, serpentine, scaled and four legged living creature. In the European culture, the dragon is considered as evil. While as a contrast, in the Chinese culture the Dragon is considered as auspicious. Mythology says that the Chinese dragon has control over water, rainfall, hurricane and flood. Moreover the dragon symbolizes the power, strength and good luck. 

The Chinese New Year 2012 Celebration

2012 Chinese New Year will be celebrated on Monday, 23rd January 2012. The New Year is celebrated with immense joy and hope every year. The beginning of the year is marked with prosperity, love and peace. There are different kinds of celebration at various places. The celebration is marked with Dragon dance, songs, street performances and road shows. The twelve animals represent each year and they are repeated after every twelve year. So, 2012, the year of dragon will return after twelve years. The Chinese dragon is inspiring for the society and is expected to bring loads of good luck in 2012. The dragon is believed to suppress the wrong doers. Hence, 2012 Chinese New Year will bring a lot of peace and prosperity in the community. The Chinese community uses the lunar calendar unlike other communities. Hence their celebration for the New Year falls in the late January. 

The celebration of the Chinese New Year is always grand. The streets and house of China gets decorated in the most unique way. All the people in the community get involved in different activities to mark the occasion. The first step towards the Chinese New Year Celebration begins with cleaning of their respective houses. Everyone gets new clothes for near and dear ones. Exchange of gifts is a common practice. Most of the people paint the doors and windows of their houses red during New Year. As per Chinese mythology the color red keeps evil away. Few trademark of the Chinese New Year celebration are: 
  • Chinese New Year Greetings card
  • New Year Songs
  • The Dragon Dance
  • Chinese firework
  • Special recipes
  • New Year Lanterns
  • Chinese New Year Plants

Born in the Dragon Year
The Chinese Zodiac calendar is dominated by the 12 animals too. People born on the specific animal year will have respective characteristics. Anyone who is born in the dragon year or will be born in 2012 will certainly have the following characteristics: 
  • Innovative
  • Enterprising
  • Self-assured
  • Brave
  • Passionate
  • Conceited
  • Short tempered
  • Free and uninhibited
Anyone who is born in the year of the dragon will surely reach the top. The dragon is a symbol of strength and energy. They are highly enthusiastic people. At times the high level of energy makes them tiered. They are generous and have lot of friends. The dragon is not a domestic animal and cannot be tamed easily. So, people born in the dragon year will love outdoor activities and are good risk takers. Few Dragon years as per the Chinese calendar are: 
  • 1904-1905
  • 1916-1917
  • 1928-1929
  • 1940-1941
  • 1952-1953
  • 1964-1965
  • 1976-1977
  • 1988-1989
  • 2000-2001
  • 2012-2013
Few mentionable personalities born in the dragon years are: 

  • Reese Witherspoon
  • Calista Flockhart
  • Courtney Cox
  • Courtney Love
  • Isabella Rossellini
  • Juliette Binoche
  • Roseanne Barr
  • Sandra Bullock

The Chinese New Year is celebrated across all nations. The celebration spreads across Hong Kong, Japan, London, USA and various other places. The dragon follows the rabbit, so 2012 Chinese New Year has been marked as the year of the Dragon. 

The dragon holds the fifth position in the entire cycle. The preferred color of the people born in the dragon year is greenish-blue. The stones and gems preferred are: 

  • Sapphire
  • Opal
  • Amber
The gifts preferred by them are:
  • Tarot Cards
  • Mirrors
  • Cameras

The hobbies of the people born in the dragon year are:
  • Public speaking
  • Outdoor activities
  • Computers
  • Astrology

The things which are disliked by the people who are born in the dragon year are:
  • Lazy people
  • To take orders
  • Discounted ideas

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