Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

The Maps of China's Great Walls

Badaling Great Wall
Location: Yanqing County, 43 miles north of Beijing
Features: the most visited and first opened section, noted for its grandness and popularity
Length: 2.3 miles
Hiking level: average (with some ups and downs and uneven surface)
Duration: 2 hours
Facilities: cable car, pulley
Nearby attraction: Ming tombs, Sacred Way, Juyongguan Pass, Water Pass, Bear Garden
Entrance fee: CNY 45 (Apr. 1 to Oct.31); CNY 40 (Nov.1 to Mar.31)

Juyongguan Pass
Location: Changping County, 37 miles from Beijing
Features: military stronghold in history, delicate brick carvings
Length: 2.6 miles
Hiking level: average (with some ups and downs and uneven surface)
Nearby attraction: Badaling, Water Pass
Entrance fee: CNY 45 (April 1 – Oct.31); CNY 40 (Nov. 1 – March 31)

Huanghuacheng Great Wall

Location: Jiuduhe Town, Huairou District, 40 miles from Beijing
Features: the unique Great Wall on water, beautiful yellow flowers
Length: 6.7 miles
Hiking level: average (with some ups and downs and uneven surface)
Facilities: no cable car
Entrance fee: CNY 25

Jiankou Great Wall

Location: Xizhazi Village, Huairou County, 59 miles from Beijing
Features: dangerousness, steepness, beautiful scenery
Length: 9.3 miles from “The Ox Horn Edge Wall” to “The Nine-Eye Tower”
Hiking level: difficult, only recommended to group travelers who have enough hiking experience
Facilities: no cable car
Duration: 4 hours walk from Mutianyu to Zhengbeitai
Nearby attraction: Mutianyu

Mutianyu Great Wall
Location: Huairou County, about 45 miles from Beijing
Features: beautiful mountain scenery, compact layout, less crowded visitors
Length: 1.4 miles
Hiking level: easy (newly repaired surface with gentle inclines)
Facilities:cable car, sports slide
Duration: 2 hours
Entrance fee: CNY 40
Nearby attraction: Jiankou

Gubeikou Great Wall
Location: northeast of Miyun County, 62 miles to Beijing
Features: most parts are deserted,
which present a beauty of wildness
and historical vicissitudes
Length: 25 miles
Hiking level: average (with some
ups and downs and uneven surface)
Facilities: no cable car
Duration: 2 to 3 hours
Entrance fee: CNY 20

Simatai Great Wall
Location: Gubeikou Town northeast of Miyun County, 75 miles (3 hours drive) from Beijing
Features: steepness, queerness and intactness
Length: 3 miles (from Wangjing Tower to Jinshanling)
Hiking level: difficult, only recommended to travelers who have enough hiking experience
Facilities: cable car
Duration: about 3 to 5 hours from Simatai to Jinshanling
Entrance fee: CNY 40

Jinshanling Great Wall
Location: Luanping County in Hebei Province, 93 miles (3 hours drive) northeast from Beijing
Features: primitiveness and majesty
Length: 6 miles from Wangjing Tower in the east to Longyukou in the west
Hiking level: difficult, only recommended to travelers who have enough hiking experience
Facilities: cable car
Duration: about 3 to 5 hours from Jinshanling to Simatai
Entrance fee: CNY 50 (Mar. 15 - Nov. 15); CNY 40 (Nov. 16- the next Mar.14)
Huangyaguan Great Wall

Location: Ji County, Tianjin, 62 miles (3 hours drive) northeast of Beijing
Features: one of the ten most-visited sites in Tianjin and the miniature of China Great Wall
Length: 26 miles
Hiking level: average (a repaired wall, most parts are flat except some ups and downs)
Facilities: no cable car
Duration: 2 to 3 hours
Entrance Fee: CNY 45 (Nov.1 - Feb.28); CNY 50 (Mar.1 - Oct.31)


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